Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big Z Swinging the Lumber

When asked about his 2009 slump by manager Lou Pinella, Carlos Zambrano answered with confidence.

"Hey, this is the National League. You have to be able to do anything you can for your team," said Zambrano, who previously had been 0-for-9 this season. "It's early."

Zambrano pitched his way towards his 2nd victory of the season, going seven strong innings, but this was not his highlight of the game. Big Z went 3-4 at the plate and missed the cycle by only a triple. Big Z has always prided himself on his plate appearances, oftentimes breaking the bat over his knee, reminiscent of Bo Jackson in the early 1990's, after a strikeout or missed bunt.

Check out this video:

Although Big Z may have lost a bit on his fastball, he can still carry the Cubs this season. He plays with passion, sometimes to his own demise, but nevertheless, he is someone the Cubs need to perform to win the National League Central for the third straight year.


  1. I think Big Z will get it together and have one of his best year for the Cubs. Well, atleast I, and the rest of Cubs Nation hopes. We really need something, right now.

    And, as for Z's batting, he's on my fantasy team...why don't I get points for his plate appearances!? Frustration.

  2. Z is certifiably insane, but the guy is about is passionate as they come. Like you said, sometimes to the point where it hurts him. But if that's a player's only downside, I'll take him on my team any day.

    He'll get it together, no doubt about it.

  3. It's impossible not to love Carlos Zambrano, no matter what team you root for.

  4. Rob, I know you love the Cubs...but I don't think this is their year--just a feeling I get.
